Thursday 10 May 2012

I know its all normal to get a belly when pregnant but im so worried im never EVER going to be back to how i was before :'( I know its a baby and fluid, its not all FAT but when i look down on myself all i can see is this big bulging belly sticking out and its quietly freaking me out!!
People say its beautiful and its cute, so i have to just smile and agree when really inside my fucked up mind im so worrried and so fucked ='(
What if i stay this fat after the birth??
What if i get fatter and fatter and i end up the way ive always tryed to avoid?!
I have to eat properly for the baby.
The day i come home from hospital im going on a major hardcore stricted diet.
I look at photos of my body before, where i was abit fat but not as much as i look now. The diffrence is hideous!!



Im not even half way through my pregnancy and im MASSIVE! i just hope i can drop a shit load of weight, FAST once the baby is born. i have 6 more months to wait until i can head back towards 6STONE! :) XXX <3